About Us
About Us
Welcome to Sealing Specialists, Inc.
Established as SSI in 1981, we are one of the most established and relied upon suppliers in our region. Our distributor partnerships go back to 1955.
Sealing Solutions
Pumping solutions
Lubricants and MRO Supplies
Abrasion & Corrosion Resistant Coatings
Service & Repair Solutions
The mission of Sealing Specialists, Inc. is to sustain strength as an organization by providing our business partners with quality products and service that far exceeds their expectations.
Trust – We work to earn your trust, striving to become your ally, which is vital in today’s competitive business environment.
Loyalty - We provide the loyalty of a business partner and treat your economics as if they were our own.
Understanding – We strive to understand your processes and procedures so that we can provide more innovative ideas, application knowledge, and solution specific products.
Confidence – We have one of the best, most trained support teams in our industry, averaging 80 hours of continuing education each year.
Relationships – We establish and maintain a relationship with you based on honesty, respect, integrity, and earned credibility.
We believe in Reliability, Safety, and Avoidance (RSA)
Reliability – We provide solutions designed to increase our partners MTBF while reducing the overall cost of ownership.
Safety – We provide solutions designed to increase worker safety which in turn improves morale and contributes to a better plant environment.
Avoidance – We provide solutions designed to avoid unwanted/unscheduled downtime. Therefore, increasing production and overall plant profitability.